
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
  1. T opDispatch [@property getter]
  2. T opDispatch [@property getter]
  3. auto opDispatch [@property getter]
    mixintemplate accessByString(T, size_t N, string data, string accessString, string dataSep = " ", string accessSep = "|")
    pure @property const
    static if(isOneSymbolPerFieldForAnyAccessString(accessString, dataSep, accessSep))
    string v
    if (
    v.length > 1 &&
    oneOfAnyAccessAll(accessString, v, dataSep, accessSep)
    if (
    isCompatibleArrayAccessStrings(N, accessString, dataSep, accessSep)
  4. U opDispatch [@property setter]
