Constructs Matrix from components. If no components present matrix will be filled with 0
Construct matrix from quaternion
Alias to allow data access
Alias to matrix type. Can be used to construct matrices of same type
Alias to data type
Inverts current matrix, alias to data = ~matrix
Returns inverted, alias to return ~matrix
Construct row-major one dimentional array from matrix.
Construct column-major one dimentional array from matrix.
Returns ajdoint matrix
Construct row-major one dimentional array from matrix.
Returns copy of matrix
Returns determinant of matrix
Removes negative sign from numbers less then float.epsilon*2
Construct column-major one dimentional array from matrix.
Inverts current matrix, alias to data = ~matrix
Returns inverted, alias to return ~matrix
Scalar matrix addition and subtraction
Matrix multiplication
Vector transformation
Vector3 transformation
Quaternion transformation
Scalar number operations
Scalar matrix addition and subtraction
Matrix multiplication
Vector transformation
Vector3 transformation
Quaternion transformation
Scalar number operations
Matrix type conversion
Matrix resizing
Matrix to vector cast (column)
Matrix to vector cast (row)
Boolean cast
opEquals x == y
Scalar addition and subtraction in place
opUnary [-, +, --, ++, *, ~] x
Invert matrix
Returns pointer to data
Resize matrix (keep left top). Alias to cast(Matrix!(T, V, U)) Matrix!(T, H, W)
Divides each element by each element of matrices
Multiplies each element by each element of matrices
Returns hash
Returns string representation of matrix: [1.00, 1.00,... , 1.00]
Returns string representation of matrix: 1.00, 1.00,... |\n|1.00, ... , 1.00|
Transpose of matrix (swaps rows and columns)
Constructs frustum matrix
Returns identity matrix for size
Constructs lookAt matrix
Constructs orthographic matrix
Construct perspective matrix
Constructs 2d rotation matrix
Constructs 3d rotation matrix from axis and angle
Constructs 3d rotation matrix from angle on X axis
Constructs 3d rotation matrix from angle on Y axis
Constructs 3d rotation matrix from angle on Z axis
Constructs 2d scale matrix
Constructs 3d scale matrix
Constructs 2d shear matrix
Constructs 2d translation matrix
Constructs 3d translation matrix
Matrix implementation, row-major right handed Basic operations: